Monday, 31 August 2015

bob the turtle


At first glance bob looked totally normal. He had a V6 engine that fitted inside his enormous shell. How ever when I took him to the park something extraordinary happened. When I dropped him in the water he sank right to the bottom of the pond because of his heavy shell. Suddenly he started up his engine and started swimming up to the top of the pond. Bob started skimming across the water while doing back flips and landed in my hands. He started to talk to me but then a war started and he pulled out his sniper rifle and started to shoot.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

My planet report

All About
By Jack

Neptune is named after the roman god of the sea. Its the eighth planet from the sun. Its almost 3 billion miles away from planet earth.

neptune’s day has only 16 hours unlike earth it has 24 hours. it is almost four times the diameter of Earth. A 100-pound person who stood, or floated, on the surface of Neptune would weigh 114 pounds. Neptune orbits much further away from the Sun than the Earth, so its orbit takes much longer. In fact, Neptune takes 164.79 years to orbit around the Sun. That's almost 165 times longer than Earth takes to orbit the Sun.

The atmosphere of Neptune is similar to all the large planets in the Solar System; it mostly consists of hydrogen and helium, with trace amounts of methane, water, ammonia and other ices. But unlike the other gas planets in the Solar System,Neptune's atmosphere has a larger proportion of the ices. According to scientists, the surface of Neptune is one of the coldest places in the Solar System. At its surface, where the clouds of the planet touch space, the temperature of Neptune can dip down to 55 Kelvin. That's -218 degrees Celsius.  neptune is the last gas-planet in our solar system.

The largest moon is Triton. Triton is slightly smaller than Earth's Moon and has active volcanoes which erupt like geysers and eject nitrogen frost over the surface. Some of the other moons of Neptune are Nereid, Proteus, Larissa, Despina, Galatea, Thalassa, and Naiad. Yes, Neptune has several faint rings around it. There are three main rings which are very thin and dark. The rings are made up of small rocks and dust. Neptune's rings are not the same thickness all around.

Neptune is a fascinating planet, with short and extremely long years. That could never support life.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Space quiz

Space quiz

  1. mercury
  2. saturn
  3. venus
  4. venus
  5. saturn
  6. no
  7. a star
  8. neil armstrong
  9. mars
  10. gravity
  11. no
  12. the milky way
  13. jupiter
  14. mars