Friday, 20 May 2016

Orange facts

1. It is illegal to eat oranges while bathing in California.
2. Brazil is the largest producer of oranges in the world.

3. The Florida oranges are greener than the California oranges. The warm night climate in Florida causes the chlorophyll pigments to migrate into the orange peel making it more greener.

4. It is possible for more than one plant to grow from a single seed of orange.

5. The ripe oranges that are unplugged from the trees, may turn to green due to a process called re-greening. This effect does not hamper the taste and the oranges nutritional value.

6. Oranges contain more fiber than most fruits and vegetables.
7. Oranges and orange blossoms are a symbol of love.
8. More orange trees are killed by lighting than plant diseases.
9. Oranges were known as the fruits of the Gods. They were often referred as the ‘golden apples’ that Hercules stole.

10. There are over 35,000,000 orange trees in Spain.

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